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Конкурс для медіа One World Media Awards

Премія One World Media Awards надається журналістам, що висвітлюють маловідомі події, які не були широко представлені в медіа Це можуть бути соціальні, політичні чи культурні події країн Арики, Азії, країн Карибського Басейну, Латинської Америки та Близького Сходу, а також країн пострадянського простору. Конкурс відбувається у 14 номінаціях.  Окрема категорія створена для країн, що розвиваються. Дедлайн – 15 лютого 2018 року. 

Period of eligibility: All work submitted for the Awards must have been first published, broadcast, launched or screened between 3rd February 2017 and 15th February 2018.


All entries should focus on stories, topics or issues in, about or related to the developing world, including Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia or the Post-Soviet States. Jurors will be looking for media that covers underreported stories or new angles and approaches to more familiar stories.

With the exception of the Special Award, all categories are open to entrants anywhere in the world, as long as the work meets one of the following criteria:

  • the entry has been broadcast, screened or published (in print or in an established online publication/website) in the UK


  • the entry has been broadcast or published (in print or in an established online publication/website) internationally for a global English-speaking audience (in an international channel/publication/website with an outlet in the UK or distribution worldwide)


  • the entry has been screened at an international film festival.

Selection criteria

Entries will be evaluated based on the overall merit of the piece, with an emphasis on:

Relevance of the coverage

  • The focus must be on stories or topics in, about or related to a developing country
  • Include the voices and views of people in/from developing countries

Quality of the coverage

  • Well-crafted, structured and engaging
  • High production and editorial values
  • Distils and presents complex topics to the target audience in an understandable and accessible way

Originality and creativity of the coverage

  • Highlights underreported stories or issues, explores new angles on familiar topics or challenges misperceptions and/or stereotypes of developing countries and people in/from those countries

Substance and accuracy of the coverage

  • Depth of research and analysis
  • Well-researched, accurate and balanced reporting

Impact and reach of the coverage

  • Demonstrates the actual impact or potential for the coverage to catalyse change
  • May have prompted additional media coverage or policy change

Consideration may be given to the total audience reached.




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